
Här kommer några länkar till sidor jag gärna besöker

Some links to web sites I like to visit

Använd gärna min banner om du vill länka till min sida!

You are welcome to use my banner would you want to link to my site.

Jag är medlem i/I’m a member of :



Svenska sidor/Swedish web sites:

S*Nounou’s Sacred Birmans


for information on Feline Infectious Peritonitis and Feline Coronavirus - link to Dr Diane Addie

PhD, BVM - the most prominent authority on FIP

Information on Cat Flu, FIV, FeLV

Maureen Hutchison B.Sc, BVMS, MRCVS.  Cert Companion Animal Behaviour Counselling


Grafik, foto och annat/Graphics, photo and stuff:


Ulla Inkeri Huhta

The Ring Nebula - Copyright © Bill Arnett


Utländska sidor/Foreign web sites:

Birman breeders   http://www.acoustictonkinese.com/birman.html

Kattsidor i Belgien http://kattenfokkers-belgie.startkabel.nl/

Sucette Birmans, UK

The Birman Cat Club, UK

(Pet Birman of the year  2012- the touching story about a caring cat and his master)
